Obstretical brachial plexus palsy

Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy: Understanding, Treatment,
and Expert Care by Dr. Sameer Desai

Welcome to the informative resource dedicated to Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) and the expert care provided by Dr. Sameer Desai, a distinguished pediatric orthopedic surgeon based in Pune. If you're seeking comprehensive knowledge about OBPP and effective treatment options, you  in the right place.

What is Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP)?

Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy is a condition that affects infants due to birth-relate d trauma, typically during difficult deliveries. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves originating from the spinal cord in the neck and extending down the arm. OBPP occurs when these nerves are stretched, compressed, or injured during the birthing process, leading to muscle weakness or paralysis in the affected arm.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The severity of OBPP can vary, with some cases causing mild impairment while others result in significant functional deficits. Common symptoms include:

Limited Arm Movement: The affected arm may exhibit restricted movement or
even complete paralysis.
Muscle Weakness: Muscle strength in the affected arm can be significantly
Abnormal Reflexes: Reflexes in the arm may be diminished or absent.
Lack of Muscle Coordination: Coordination difficulties may arise, affecting
everyday tasks.

Diagnosing OBPP involves a comprehensive assessment by a qualified medical professional. Dr. Sameer Desai possesses extensive experience in diagnosing OBPP and determining the extent of nerve damage to formulate an effective treatment plan.

Treatment Options

Dr. Sameer Desai specializes in providing tailored treatment strategies for OBPP, considering each child's unique condition and needs. Treatment options may include:

Physical Therapy: Early and consistent physical therapy can help improve muscle strength, flexibility, and overall functionality. Occupational Therapy: Specialized therapy aimed at enhancing fine motor skillsand promoting independent living.

Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, surgical procedures may be recommended to repair damaged nerves or release tight structures causing compression.

Dr. Sameer Desai's approach to treatment prioritizes the child's well-being and long- term quality of life. He collaborates closely with families to ensure a holistic and effective treatment journey.

Why Choose Dr. Sameer Desai?

Dr. Sameer Desai is a renowned pediatric orthopedic surgeon known for his expertise in treating OBPP and other pediatric musculoskeletal conditions. With a compassionate and patient-centered approach, he combines his medical knowledge with a commit mentto providing the best possible care for his young patients.

Contact Dr. Sameer Desai

If your child is facing challenges related to Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy, reach out to Dr. Sameer Desai for expert guidance and personalized treatment. With his extensive experience and dedication to improving children lives, Dr. Sameer Desai is your trusted partner in the journey toward recovery.

Obstretical brachial plexus palsy
Obstretical brachial plexus palsy