Meningo Myelocoele
In this condition the meninges or part of the spinal cord herniates through a defect in the bony part of the spine. It happens because the posterior part of the vertebrae is not well formed during development in the mother’s womb. Folic acid deficiency is a major cause of this condition. This condition can be prevented if mother takes folic acid supplements before conception. This condition is diagnosed on ultrasound and abortion may be advised in severe cases. The child is usually assessed by a paediatric surgeon or neurosurgeon after delivery and surgical closure is performed. Depending on the level of involvement and severity of involvement the residual effects may be seen in the child. The child may complain of urinary incontinence. The child may complain of difficulty in walking, foot deformities and hip deformities. Regular physiotherapy and splinting is required in children. They may require walking aids. Surgical correction of foot and balancing of muscles is required in older children. Since hand function and intelligence is normal in these children it is easier to train them and make them independent.